Embedded Lab UFCG Apps

Remember My Stuff 1.1
Remember My Stuff is an app developed to helppeople in your daily tasks. Basically, the application reminds youwhen you are next a location that you supposed to execute a task.For example, when you are next a supermarket store, the applicationcan remind you to buy grocery.Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2
FinancialHelper 1.0
FinancialHelper helps you to control yourfinances. You can insert incomes and expenses manually or throughimages. FinancialHelper is able to capture data from imageautomatically using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology.Furthermore, it provides the user with reports to help you tomanager your finances!To add incomes, access the app's menu and tap on INCOMES.To add expenses, you have two options: manually or through OCR. Toadd manually, go to app's menu and tap on EXPENSES. To add throughOCR, you can tap on the Camera on the app's home screen.A simple monthly report is shown on the app's home scree. For moredetailed graphs, access tge app's menu and tap on REPORTS.Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2
Wi-QR 1.0.1
Wi-QR is an app that automatically connectsyouto Wi-Fi networks. In order to connect, scan the network QRCodeusing Wi-QR and let it do the rest of the work. You will alsohave alist with all QR Codes of networks you have connected tothroughWi-QR. In addition, in case you have a Sony Smartwatch 2,you willhave the option to see your QR Codes on it.If you own a commercial property, Wi-QR is available to speedupyour clients Wi-Fi experience and avoid your employees torememberyour network information. Generate your network QR Code onourwebsite apps.embedded.ufcg.edu.br/wiqr/.​
Biggest São João of the World 1.1.2
This app was made having you, who wants toknowmore about and have fun at The Biggest São João Of The World,inmind. Chill out! It’s free.Stay updated on the festival's line up. Listen the songsfromthose bands that you do not know yet and be reminded on thedaythat they get to show. Moreover, take tons of customizedpicturesand selfies and share them on your favorite social network.Do youwant to find forró’s islands, restrooms, health center andmuchmore? Just check out our Parque do Povo’s map!!Enjoy The Biggest São João Of The World 2015, it was madeforyou!
On Field World Cup 1.2.1
Application to track the results of matchesofthe World Cup 2014.You can choose to monitor the results in real time in boththesmartphone and Sony Smartwatch.Set reminders for matches of your favorite teams to losenotime.
O Maior São João do Mundo 2016 2.0.2
Este aplicativo foi pensado para você que querconhecer e se divertir no Maior São João do Mundo, o São João deCampina Grande.Além de ter acesso a programação oficial do Parque do Povo,agora você também pode ter acesso a outros eventos que ocorre nacidade e adjacências.Fique ligado na programação de cada dia de festa. Escute asmúsicas daquele artista que você ainda não conhece, ou que adora, ereceba um lembrete quando sua banda favorita for se apresentar.Além disto, você pode tirar muitas fotos e selfies customizadas ecompartilhar em sua rede social. Quer saber onde ficam as ilhas deforró, banheiros, postos de saúde e muito mais? Dá uma olhadinha nonosso mapa do Parque do Povo!! Quer saber sobre outros eventos nacidade? Então baixa logo o Maior São João do Mundo 2016! =)“É xote, xaxado, baião, milho verde,É São João em Campina,Trinta dias de festa, que ninguém imagina.Lá no Parque do Povo, emoção por segundo,O Brasil vira forró no Maior São João do Mundo! ”This application wasdesigned for you who wants to meet and have fun in Greater SaintJohn of the World, St. John of Campina Grande.In addition to having access to the official program of thePeople's Park, you can now also have access to other eventsoccurring in the city and vicinity.Stay tuned for programming each day of celebration. Listen tothe songs by that artist that you do not know, or you love, andreceive a reminder when your favorite band is performing. Inaddition, you can take lots of pictures and customized selfie andshare in your social network. You want to know where are theislands of forró, toilets, health clinics and more? Take a sneakpeak at our map of People's Park !! Want to know about other eventsin the city? So low then the Greater Saint John the World 2016!=)"It xote, xaxado, baião, corn,It is Saint John in Campina,Thirty days of celebration, no one imagines.There in the People's Park, emotion per second,The Brazil turns forró in Greater Saint John of the World! "
Reading Assistant 1.0
Reading Assistant é um aplicativo parageraraudiobooks obtidos de PDFs próprios ou textos digitadospelousuário. Este sistema agrega as funcionalidades de escolher otextode entrada, se é um PDF ou um texto que será escrito peloprópriousuário, salvar o progresso da leitura, gerenciar oprogresso doáudio (iniciar, parar, adiantar ou voltar cincosegundos, avançarou retroceder a página e interagir diretamente nabarra deprogresso). Além disso, a aplicação dá suporte amultilinguagem:Português, Inglês e Espanhol. Também é possívelescolher avelocidade em que o áudio será reproduzido.O objetivo desse aplicativo é oferecer uma alternativamaisprática ao método convencional de leitura, dispensando assimanecessidade de estar carregando vários materiais. O usuáriopoderáestar com vários audiobooks salvos no dispositivos e “lê-los”damaneira que achar conveniente.O Reading Assistant necessita do seguinte aplicativo jáinstaladono dispositivo:- Google Text-to-speech:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.tts&hl=enReading Assistant isanapplication to generate audiobooks obtained from own PDFsoruser-entered text. This system adds functionality to choosetheinput text, if it is a PDF or a text that will be written bytheuser, save the progress of reading, manage audio progress(start,stop, fast forward or back five seconds forward or back pageandinteract directly on the progress bar). Additionally,theapplication supports multi-language: Portuguese, EnglishandSpanish. You can also choose the speed at which the audioisplayed.The objective of this application is to offer a morepracticalalternative to the conventional method of reading, thuseliminatingthe need to be carrying various materials. You may bewith severalaudiobooks saved on devices and "read" them the way youfindconvenient.The Reading Assistant requires the following applicationalreadyinstalled on the device:- Google Text-to-speech:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.tts&hl=en
AugmentedLocation 2.0.0
O AugmentedLocation é um aplicativocujoprincipal objetivo é auxiliar o usuário na sualocalizaçãogeográfica, oferecendo-o a possibilidade de cadastrarpontos deinteresse, de forma precisa, a partir de sua posiçãoatual. Alémdisso, é possível visualizar estes pontos por meio de ummapainterativo ou utilizando a tecnologia de RealidadeAumentada(Augmented Reality - AR). O aplicativo também oferece aopção paratraçar uma rota a partir da sua posição atual a qualqueroutroponto escolhido dentre os cadastrados.O aplicativo tem como diferencial o uso de RealidadeAumentada.Esse diferencial é uma tecnologia inovadora que sobrepõeelementosvirtuais, no ambiente e em tempo real. Dessa forma, oaplicativopermitirá que o usuário visualize por meio, da câmera, doseusmartphone todos os pontos que já foram cadastrados. Ao girar360ºo usuário poderá ver os pontos cadastrados próximos desualocalização atual, e também informações sobre os mesmos.Também há uma extensão que faz uso do dispositivoSmartEyeglassda Sony. A extensão possui as mesmas funções doaplicativo base,salvar uma localização, traçar uma rota até umalocalização falsa ever o ponto em realidade aumentada.The AugmentedLocationisan application whose main objective is to assist the user initsgeographical location, offering you the possibility ofregisteringpoints of interest, precisely, from its currentposition. Inaddition, you can view these issues through aninteractive map orusing augmented reality technology (AugmentedReality - AR). Theapplication also offers the option to create aroute from yourcurrent position to any other point chosen fromthose registered.The application has a differential use of Augmented Reality.Thisdifference is an innovative technology for superimposingvirtualelements in the environment in real time. Thus, theapplication willallow the user to view through, the camera of yoursmartphone allthe points that have already been registered. Byturning 360 theuser can see the next registered points from itscurrent location,and also information about them.There is also an extension that makes use of SonySmartEyeglassdevice. The extension has the same functions as thebaseapplication, save a location, create a route to a falselocationand see the point in augmented reality.
Broadcast Share 1.0.531
Broadcast Share eases file sharing withinanenvironment with several devices in a simple and fastmanner,because it does not require signing in or Internetconnection. Youonly need to install the app and select the filesthat you want toshare to people connected to the same localnetwork.Through the main menu, you can access the mainfunctionalities:send, download, share and visualize files.To send one or more files to a specific person, use the SENDFILESoption in the main menu.To share files with people connected to the same network, usetheSHARE FILES option in the main menu.Remember, it is necessary the you and your friends tohaveBroadcastShare installed in the devices!IMPORTANT:As it uses new technology to share files, Broadcast Share mightNOTwork with all the Android powered devices available inthemarket.Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2
SmartPresenter 3.0
Smart Presenter assists on the usage ofslideson applications such as Microsoft PowerPoint andLibreOfficeImpress. It is compatible with Windows and Linux. Theapplicationfacilitates the slides change during presentations, byacting asremote controller with forward major commands: start,forward, backand close presentation. The presentation can becontroller throughthe smartphone or Sony Smartband.Download the application's server for your PC on ourwebsitehttp://apps.embedded.ufcg.edu.br/smartpresenter/.
Biblioteca UFCG 1.1
Biblioteca UFCG é um aplicativo Android quevisa auxiliar os usuários da biblioteca da Universidade Federal deCampina Grande (UFCG) no gerenciamento dos livros alugados.PORQUE USAR O APLICATIVO Biblioteca UFCG:- Facilita o gerenciamento de livros alugados: registre os seusalugueis da biblioteca no aplicativo e receba notificações(lembretes) para que não ocorra atraso na entrega dos seus livros,evitando assim o pagamento de multas.- Sugestões de livros: cadastre o curso/disciplinas que estácursando e receba sugestões de livros.- Avaliação de livros: saiba previamente a opinião de outrosusuários sobre um livro desejado, visualizando notas ecomentários.- Acesso ao acervo virtual: faça buscas diretamente no acervo dabiblioteca da universidade.- Mapa da UFCG: não sabe onde fica a biblioteca da UFCG? A gentemostra para você! Veja um mapa da UFCG indicando onde fica abiblioteca.- Ouvidoria: envie críticas/sugestões para os responsáveis dabiblioteca.Atenção: ao marcar um livro como alugado, você não estarárealizando o aluguel do livro na biblioteca da universidade.UFCG library is anAndroid application that aims to assist users of the library of theFederal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) in the management ofrented books.WHY USE THE APPLICATION Library UFCG:- Eases management of rented books: Register your library rents inthe application and receive notifications (reminders) so that thereis delay in the delivery of their books, thus avoiding the paymentof fines.- Suggestions of books: sign the course / courses that are enrolledand receive suggestions for books.- Evaluation of books: previously know the opinion of other usersof a desired book, viewing notes and comments.- Access to virtual collection: make queries directly in theuniversity library collection.- Map of UFCG: not know where the library UFCG? We show for you!See a map of UFCG indicating where is the library.- Ombudsman: send criticism / suggestions to the leaders of thelibrary.Please note: to mark a book as rented, you will not be performingthe book of rent in the university library.